What are the benefits of high-intensity interval training? You can tell the meaning HIIT from the word itself. As the name suggests, the training is very intense or vigorous and is done after some interval of time. The training unlike another kind of training is very beneficial. You can try to do this kind of training and feel the experience for yourself. It is actually good at getting faster results when you compare it with more lengthy exercises.
This kind of training does not limit a person to a particular kind of exercise. Rather, all kinds of exercises can be incorporated. If you find some exercises that are straining or uncomfortable to you, you may choose to replace them with ones you like.
Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training
The following are some of the benefits that you will get when you decide to go for HIIT:
1. The Training Builds Endurance
The training exercise are pretty hard. You need to apply as much energy as you can during the training. Although it only takes a short time for one to train, the pain the person feels is can be extreme. This training builds endurance and helps you achieve the best results possible. What is good about the training is that you need to endure just for a short time.
2. Burn Excess Calories in a Short Span of Time
The intense training needs a lot of energy. During the training you will tend to sweat a lot. Well, the sweating is a sign that you are helping your body. The energy that you use during this training is replenished during the rest times. More calories are burnt to release energy to replace the used energy. The toxic wastes as well are reduced greatly, because the intense exercises help to release the metabolic waste products.
3. Effective Use of Energy
Energy needed by the body during the intense exercise is very high. This is because the systems need more energy to be able to handle the intense work. The energy that has been utilized can be replenished during the resting time, and then used again in the next session. This enables you to breathe better as it keep your lungs open and active.
4. Helps to Increase the Body Metabolism
Metabolism is the process whereby the waste products in the body are broken down into useful products. The excess metabolic products are released from the body. When these waste product accumulates in the body tissues, it causes diseases. Oxygen is needed to break down the waste, during the intense exercise one takes in more oxygen, and thus used for metabolism. Metabolism also burns down the excess calories in the body.
5. Calories Burning Extends after the Exercise Period
Did you know this? The calories are burnt continuously for even as long as 24 hours after the intense training. The intensity of the exercise makes your body able to achieve a higher level of repair cycle. This will allow the body to still burn the fats and calories even during resting sessions. You only need to take short time to acquire the best results.
6. No Expense of Equipment
This kind of exercise can be achieved without the need of any equipment. You thus will not need to incur much when training. The simple ways to exercise is simply workout on your own by jumping, running and high knee exercises. These kind of exercises are good for increasing the rate of your heartbeat and thus increasing the intake of more oxygen as well. The training does not need much expertise, since you are not targeting a specific part of your body, you only need to have intense exercise that will burn up calories and give you the result that you need.
7. Assists with Fat Loss and Not Muscles
The major aim of this exercise is to burn up calories in the body. Similarly, during the intense exercises one is able to build muscles. Muscle building results from stretching which leads to stronger muscles. Unlike the other training methods, HIIT is suitable in achieving two benefits at once.
8. Improves Heart Function
The hard training followed by rest is very good for the heart. During the exercise, the heart beats faster and during rests the heart gets to relax too and beat much slower. This kind of exercise to the heart helps it to pump blood well and acquire more strength to avoid the effects of high pressures.
9. It is a Challenging Workout
This kind of exercise will help you to move out of your comfort zone. It is also good since one does not get bored of continuous exercises, you get to rest in between and be get other work done.
15 Minute HIIT Training Video
From the video: Tight for time, got no equipment or facilities to hand but you still want to get your training in? Then this high intensity interval training session is for you, and to help me out today, I have borrowed James, AKA Hank, from GCN.
Yes, and we’ve got a 15 minute session that’ll really get your heart rate pumping and your muscles firing. So we’ve got a 15 minute HIIT workout that is tailored for triathlon, and we need is a mat or a towel.
Yeah, well HIIT is high intensity for short periods of time, so for today’s session we’re going to be working you hard for 20 seconds followed by a 10 second rest for a total of four and a half minutes, then you’ll get a extra 30 seconds to recover before repeating the whole thing a total of three times through.
It sounds hard, but I’m ready for it. You ready? Are you sure about this? ‘Cause I have to tell you, you are doing the harder version I’m afraid, James. Okay, first up we have got running.
I’m gonna be running on the spot. James is doing shuttle runs behind me. Two, one, go! Okay, at the time, James is running forwards and backwards, so if you’ve got the space, you wanna be running as fast as you can forwards for a set period and then backwards. Hopefully that’s what he’s doing behind me.
There’s 10 seconds gone, we’ve got another 10 to go. Try and get high knees and fast feet on this one. It’s all about getting your heart rate really nice and high and your blood pumping for the rest of set. And rest there, stop. Right, 10 seconds rest.
Next up, I’ve already got my heart rate nice and high, James come back and join me, we have got squats. Okay, three, two, one. Okay, James is taking the higher level here with nice explosive jump. I’m keeping it nice and controlled with a full spot squat. You want to try and get as deep as you can on these, full range.
If you cycle a lot though you might find your hips are a little bit tight. Three, two, one, stop! Okay, 10 seconds rest. Now it’s down onto the ground for some side plank. Okay, for this one, we’ve got two seconds left, come on James, you ready, into your side plank, right.
For this one, James gonna be making it a level harder with rotation. I’m gonna be holding the plank on my elbow. You can also do it on your hand as your seeing Hank. Come on, keep those rotations through please, always through up to the sky.