Do you know the benefits of bone broth? Natural bone broth has plenty of benefits for your body. It is packed with all kinds of nutrients that can keep your body healthier than ever and even better, it is an all-natural food. You can maintain your health all without having to worry about whether there are unintended side-effects from eating a food that is too artificially processed.
Bone broth supports your overall health by improving your gut health and boosting your immune system. In fact, there is a rich history that humans have been using bone broth for thousands of years.
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine himself, was quick to point out the importance of gut health to the health of the entire body more than two thousand years ago. Archaeologists have also found evidence for humans crushing up the bones of animals and cooking them to form a broth—using bone broth in your cooking is not a new fad at all; it has been around for generations upon generations.
Bone Broth Benefits for Health and Wellness
1. Gut Health
Bone broth improves your immune and gut health because it is filled with all kinds of nutrients that your body needs to maintain a high standard of health. One of these, hydrophilic colloid, is particularly instrumental in maintaining the health of your stomach. In conjunction with gelatin, the hydrophilic colloid helps create a protective barrier in your stomach that guards against toxins.
2. Joint Health and Bone Support
The collagen in bone broth can also have a tremendous effect on the health of your joints. A study was conducted using the collagen found in chicken bones and found that participants who ate foods made with the chicken bone broth experienced positive effects on their overall joint health, while those who received the placebo did not experience any improved joint health. In addition to just helping with your joints, bone broth will also help strengthen your own bones.
3. Provides Needed Minerals
The bones used for creating a bone broth are high in both calcium and magnesium—two minerals that have been shown to be really healthy for your bones.
4. Improves Immune System
Finally, the last effect that bone broth can have on your immune system is that it fights toxins from entering your bloodstream. The higher gelatin content of bones helps your body build up a robust defense against toxic particles getting into your bloodstream.
How do you experience all of its benefits?
Now that you know how good bone broth is for you, you may be wondering how to get your hands on this powerful broth.
It’s certainly possible for you to make your own bone broth, but that process requires you to have plenty of free time, and most of us do not have that time. The solution is to use Bone Broth Powder. This has the benefit of providing you with all of those benefits we talked about without the huge time commitment required to make your own bone broth from scratch.
To use it, all you need to do is mix one heaping scoop in 8 ounces of water, juice or in a smoothie or protein shake 1-3 times per day. The bone broth can be enjoyed warm or cold. Can try with almond, cashew or coconut milk.
Benefits of Bone Broth Protein Video
Bone broth protein has become a popular supplement among health enthusiasts. It’s often added for a wide range of nutrients that may boost your immune system, improve joint health and benefit your skin and digestion. But should you try it? That’s the topic of this video. Bone broth protein is a nutritional supplement that claims to offer you the health benefits of both, bone broth and protein, all in a convenient powder form.
According to manufacturers, bone broth protein is made by cooking chicken or beef bones, ligaments, tendons and water under high pressure and sustained high heat. Now this allows the broth to be cooked for a shorter time to help retain is nutrients. These include chondroitin, glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, potassium, calcium and magnesium which will be lost if cooking for long periods of time.
Because bone broth protein is simply concentrated bone broth, all the protein actually comes from the bone broth, it’s not added in using soy or eggs or whey. A heaping scoop of about 22 grams of one brand of broth protein powder contains about 90 calories, 20 grams of protein, which is on par with most protein supplements on the market, slightly on the low side.
No carbs, pretty much no fat and small amounts of sodium and potassium. It also contains the protein, collagen. The amino acid, glycine and joint health nutrients like, chondroitin and glucosamine. Bone broth protein also appeals to those who cannot tolerate most typical protein supplements, as it is dairy free, soy free, gluten free and so called, paleo friendly. Benefits of taking bone broth protein.
It’s important to note that there are no scientific studies on the health effects on bone broth or bone broth protein. Instead, people attribute its benefits to the known benefits of many of its nutrients. Some benefits of taking bone broth protein may include, effects on weight loss, now, bone broth protein is low in calories and high in protein, which may boost your metabolism, reduce your appetite and help you burn more calories.
The high protein content may reduce your appetite. Eating more protein may reduce hunger hormones like ghrelin and increase fullness hormones like, leptin.
Bone broth is rich in chondroitin and glucosamine, which may help reduce joint pain for people with osteoarthritis. And it can also reduce skin aging, so bone broth contains proline and hyaluronic acid, which have been shown to reduce the effects of skin aging.