Let’s face it – our skin is at its worst during the winter season, but are you familiar with the best natural remedies for dry winter hands?
Yes, we tend to look pinker and flushed, but if we’d pay attention to our hands, we’d notice signs of dryness. Such are the woes of winter when dry hands are more common than the dry autumn leaves.
Hence, it is hardly a surprise to see chapped, red, and rough hands through the thick of winters. But why does the winter season cause such distress to our hands? The lack of moisture, of course.
When winters set in, the humidity levels in the air take a massive dive; indoors, it is even worse because the air feels drier, perhaps more because of the heating system running constantly.
To top off, if you keep washing your hands to prevent flu or cold, you’re sapping even more of whatever natural oils your skin has preserved. As a result, your hands dehydrate to the point where they begin to peel, crack, bleed, and look a sorry figure.
Technically, this isn’t a dangerous condition, but it sure feels super uncomfortable and irritating. Hence, we decided to come up with a list of natural home remedies that will ensure your hands look supple, soft, and dainty all through the harsh winters.
Natural Remedies for Dry Winter Hands
Try one or more of these home remedies for dry hand this winter and boost your all natural skin care routine.
1. Aloe Vera
Have you ever wondered why so many beauty products on store shelves mention aloe as an ingredient? The plant has some incredible anti-inflammatory properties. It is a wonderful natural moisturizer for your skin, without any side effects. You can apply the gel as a lotion on your hands to keep them soft and supple.
2. Potatoes
While potatoes are a great ingredient to make some great snacks for the chilly winter nights, they are a remedy for dry hands as well. Grate a potato and soak it in olive oil for twenty minutes or so.
Then, apply this natural mixture to your hands and let it sit for ten minutes. Once you’re done, wash your hands and enjoy the soft, moisturized skin.
3. Oats
Oats are the best ingredient for rejuvenating your winter-struck skin. You may add a handful of it in some olive oil or add more of it to all of your bathwater. As an oil mixture, you need to apply it to your hands and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before you wash off.
4. Olive Oil
Plain natural oils are the best moisturizers at any time. You could take any natural oil of your choice and lather your skin with it. We recommend avocado oil, coconut, or olive for dry skin. They produce excellent results with their powerful moisturizing properties.
5. Reduce stress
It is a fact that people who suffer from eczema or high levels of stress also experience a flare or trigger of some sort. In this case, stress could be the main culprit behind your dried-out hands. Hence, if you suffer from a skin condition like eczema, it is best to reduce your stress and anxiety levels so that your skin does not dry out as a result.
6. Honey
Honey is a powerful moisturizer for dry and cracked skin. This is why you will see many females preparing a honey and brown sugar scrub to rejuvenate the skin on their lips or face. Why not try the same potion for your hands?
Just apply honey on your dry hands when you have some free time, and let it moisturize your skin for 10-15 minutes before proceeding to rinse it off. Oh, and you’re going to love the soft golden glow honey tends to give the skin.
7. Water
Now, we don’t need to tell you how important water is for our skin’s health. Yes, nothing can work as well as a healthy intake of water. In addition to drinking plenty of it during the dry, winter days, let some water bubble away on your stove in a pot at home. It will help increase the humidity levels indoors and nourish your skin silently.
8. Bananas
Bananas are not only great for some healthy snacking but also wonderful for your skin. All you have to do is mash one with a fork and then apply it as a thick coat on your dry skin. Let the mashed goodness work its magic on your skin for around twenty minutes before proceeding to wash it off with lukewarm water.
Natural Cocoa Butter Hand Cream Tutorial Video
Tired of Rough or Dry Hands? Repair damaged hands fast with this Natural COCOA BUTTER HAND CREAM Recipe pumped full of Vitamin E and skin replenishing nutrients!
Final Thoughts on Dry Winter Hand Remedies
The lack of humidity and moisture in winter takes a toll on our skin. Many of us have endless winter woes, dry, chapped, cracked, and rough hands. With our natural home remedies, you can enjoy salon-manicured soft, supple, and glowing hands. Happy winters!